
How to Have a Healthy Halloween

While Halloween is a lot of fun, it’s also notorious for candy overload and sugar rush. It marks the start of what can be several months of indulgence during the holiday season. There are ways to enjoy Halloween without excessive sugar intake. If you want to have a healthy Halloween, here are a few tricks to help you cut back on all the sweet treats. 

1. Eat a healthy, filling meal before trick-or-treating.

Of course, the kiddos will want to start eating their Halloween candy right away. But you can cut down on the amount they eat by filling the family up with a healthy meal beforehand. It’s less tempting to overindulge on candy when you’ve got a full belly. 

2. Use a smaller bag.

Avoid the pillowcase and other large bags for candy collection. Stick with a smaller size to limit the amount of candy the kids can receive. 

3. Walk while trick-or-treating.

It can be tempting to just drive the kids from house to house, but it’s better to get the family active by walking. Bring bottles of water and ensure everyone’s got on comfortable shoes. You can burn off some of the calories that the candy will pack on. 

4. Serve healthy alternatives.

It’s completely okay to be ‘that house’ during Halloween. There are going to be plenty of homes offering candy. You can stand out by offering fun healthy alternatives. Jack-o-Lantern tangerines and ghost bananas are easy to make for the holiday.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy Halloween this year. The holiday can be just as fun with a little less sugar. Do you have any healthy Halloween tricks to share? Let us know on social media at @getthelow. 

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