
What’s Up This Week

Hey there! It’s go time, or rather, Low time. You know what that means. We’ve got your weekly roundup of apropos info to keep you in the know. This time around, we’re sharing some helpful insights that’ll benefit you in several ways. Before we get to them, let me remind you about our free AirPods giveaway. It’s coming to a close, so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t and get your friends to subscribe for extra chances to win. Also, follow us on FB and IG to keep up with the Low throughout the week. Now, onto the good stuff:

Discover what the 50/30/20 rule can do for your finances.

Update your skincare routine for fall.

Enjoy the high life at Lilu Farms.

Learn how to practice mindfulness in your day-to-day.

Find out what the Olympic Yachting Cauldron on River St. is all about. 

More details follow down below, and thanks again for reading the Low. 

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